i am at my usual spot on thursday night, you all know by now, if you dont too bad! the bar tv is tuned into SURVIVOR...
come on, what the*^&@!
who watches that crap and who would want to spend weeks with no bathroom, no toilet paper and the most important things no KOOL MILDS and no OLD MILWAUKEE....
the only time i give up the
old milwaukee is when the bar has 25cent
PABST BLUE RIBBON once a month!
there isnt any amount of money or the promise of a new trailer to get me to spend any amount of time with stinky strangers who think they are all that!!sitting at the bar tonight with me are cecils neighbors that live 2 trailers down from him-
ricky lee and joellen
if you look real close at ricky lees eyes you will notice his glass eye
when he gets real drunk, he takes it out and washes it in his beer....
tonight wasnt one of those nights.
okay enough of the chitchat
back to some real conversation.
You are too funny, and you know I love you like a red-headed step-child but don't eff around & dis my Survivor!!
Yeah! What she says!
Survivor Rocks!!!!!!!!
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